Posts tagged ‘Recyclable’
Paper Machinery Corporation (PMC) Receives 2022 Business Friend of the Environment Award
Milwaukee, WI – Paper Machinery Corporation (PMC) was honored to receive an award for Environmental Innovation at the Wisconsin Business Friend of the Environment Awards hosted by the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC).
“Wisconsin’s economy depends on industry leaders who go above and beyond to use sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices,” said WMC Director of Environmental & Energy Policy Craig Summerfield. “WMC is proud to recognize these companies who prioritize environmental protection as they grow their businesses and build Wisconsin’s future.”
PMC is extremely grateful to be recognized amongst so many great Wisconsin-based businesses that have been recognized this year and in years prior. With bans on single-use plastics now being implemented in countries and cities across the globe, PMC is an industry leader in paperboard-forming solutions. Our machines use new technologies to offer high-speed and accurate production of strong and durable consumer products.
A significant trend in the industry is the identification of a replacement for Polyethelene (PE) as the coating used for sealing paperboard products, including paper cups. PMC played a vital role in the identification of Polylactic Acid (PLA) as a replacement solution. PLA is made from renewable resources such as cornstarch, sugar cane, and cassava. PMC is also currently hosting coatings companies and paperboard suppliers that are looking at aqueous-based PE replacement solutions to conduct Research & Development on PMC equipment. We understand that in order to identify a viable solution, all parties in the value chain must participate.
The employees at PMC take pride in the fact their talent and creativity contribute to a healthier environment. Our customers take pride in the fact that our innovative solutions promote and enable their sustainability initiatives through the replacement of harmful plastics with biodegradable, non-toxic paperboard. We hope the Milwaukee community will recognize Paper Machinery Corporation for its leadership in environmental sustainability and innovation through its 2022 Wisconsin Business Friend of the Environment Award.
To learn more about PMC’s paperboard forming technology for cups, containers, custom packaging, and container lids, visit